I can't begin to describe how funny this site is. I just finished watching another fairly boring episode of a satire news program a little 'lol' here and there but nothing even verging on the belly laugh. It seems these days a good laugh is getting harder and harder to get.

This site is basically a blog of a man called David Thorne. Usually involving someone who's complained, not adhered to a reasonable practice or simply an arse licker of the 3rd degree. He then proceeds to what can only be described as tear them another arsehole in the funniest, wittiest most sarcastic way possible. Yes he reminds me of me at my best put simply humour like this is right in my league. If you fail to laugh at the Missy the cat story maybe you shouldn't be reading my blog because you can almost guarantee somewhere along the line I will probably be doing something similar.



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I mean what are you supposed to blog about I guess this bit gets easier as time goes on. Today we will be mostly concentrating on me as It is my bloody page after all. Only joking.....

So if you don't know who I am. I am your god send me money in a large quantity. If you do, I probably owe you money.

At the moment of writing I'm 33 with a bad back, a cold, an empty bottle of Iced tea and two unsmoked cigarettes.

Libya - Libya leader Muammar Gaddafi's armed forces are not close to breaking point despite hundreds of allied air strikes, American military chiefs have said.....Gaddafi must be using the same plastic surgeon on his troops as he is on his own face. they're not breaking just slowly melting into the desert rather like a scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Ireland - The Republic of Ireland's banks need an extra 24bn euros (£21.2bn) to survive the financial crisis, the central bank announces. Word has it on the streets of Dublin the Potato is to replace the Euro by August....

Earth - It looks like a giant potato in space. A survey of Gravity shows the Earth looks like a hot potato in space with baked beans, cheese and a large portion of shite.....


    Simon Knowles

    Sadistic, Satirical, Sarcastic, Socialist, with enough time on his hands to waste yours.

    Old Stuff

    April 2011
    March 2011



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